Want to support our club? Donations help tremendously with field trips, conventions, and anything else the club would love to do. Being the only outlet for digital photography, we are striving to reach out to as many of our high school students as possible, letting them know no question is a bad one with photography. We accept and greatly appreciate any form of donation.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Friday's Meeting

So we had yet another successful meeting on Friday when a new member was gained, so welcome Brie!

Current matters that were discussed:
-Display Case
-Contest winner and a new contest
-and Sunday meetings

Display Case:
Now underway, a display of Digital Photography Club's best pictures, member shots, and news/events. 

Members that have not handed in their $10, must do so by next week so fundraisers can be purchased. Fundraiser date is during the week of May 25th-29th

A new contest is being planned for this weekend. Check back for updates.

Sunday Meetings:
Currently postponed, after school mini-meetings will be held instead. A regular schedule may or may not be established for these.

Hope everyone is having a great week!


Sunday, May 3, 2009

And the results are in..

Well, have been in! 

And the winner is...

#2- By Devan

Congratz to Devan who will be recieving an 8x10 of the winning picture (above)

Other results:
#1-by Devan and #3 by Catherine tying for second place (no prizes awarded though! :/)

Thanks to everyone who voted day after day and anyone who really took the time to vote. 



Monday, April 27, 2009

Voting Update!

Hey everyone, 

So there's a few days left for voting, so head over to the side to cast your vote or comment on the entries page. Remember, you can vote once a day! 

Our last meeting consisted of the ideas we have for participating in our first craft fair, fundraising, and promoting the club. If anyone has suggestions for promoting or fundraising, let us know in the comment section below!



Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Weekly Contest: Nell's Rock Silhouette

Your best two pictures from the Meeting

Voting Period:
April 21st-30th

To Vote:
Shameless voting, promote your entry to your heart's content. Voters can comment this post and vote in the poll 1x a day (not sure if the poll will let you, but keep trying) once all entries are up (4 entries total) In the comment section, pick one entry per day. You can vote on the same or another entry the next day. Just list the number.

There will be one winner that will be announced on May 2nd, 2009. The winner will receive a complementary 8x10 professionally printed picture of the winning image. Models will not be awarded. 








Weekly Contest

Our weekly contests will go here

-The ones that are bold are active for submitting
-The ones that are in italics are in voting
-The ones that have a line through them are closed

-Members currently can submit their pictures without a fee

This is a no-shame type voting which means, however you bribe, threaten, etc people can vote once per day. Yes, they can come back the next day and vote. If they can vote in the poll set up two days after, it counts. Yes, they can vote in the poll and comment in the same day. Just no spamming please.

Voting generally lasts for a week and winners will be announced via facebook, meeting, and on here. Results will not be questioned.

None! Just kidding. Depending on the number of people that submit pictures, the prizes will grow. The photographer and model will each receive a prize if applicable. Check the contest for a specific prize, but some prizes include, but are not limited to 

Current Contests:


Meetup: Nell's Rock

The first weekly meetup for the DPC was held on April 5th, 09 and turned out to be a good outcome. 

The main goal was to experience the difference between backlighting, side, the importance of a reflector, and silhouettes. Silhouettes were certainly the main focus, using one model and one photographer to demonstrate.

Some pictures from that day were:


Friday, April 17, 2009


The Shelton Digital Photography Club is based in Shelton High School where students have an opportunity to join and be in an environment that is serious yet fun. Everyone learns from each other, questions are never stupid, and experience is gained. The goal is to help all from any level to have the opportunity to take pictures in situations they may have not been able to before have the chance to. Enthusiasm for photography is optional but greatly recommended since most is hands-on during the course of the year. The Digital Photography Club warmly welcomes those who are aspiring to become a model or just like to be in front of a camera. They will be able to actively participate during the meetings and can learn a lot about the fast-paced industry of modeling.

Started in 2008, the DPC has been growing strong with many active members who thoroughly enjoy the benefits of being a member which include, but are not limited to
-Exposure to a bigger market
-Chances to photograph portraits in many situations
-Post processing techniques and tutorials
-And even more

For now, this is only open to students, but hopefully in the future will include a larger audience. It's amazing what one person can do to spark the creativity and minds of so many in such a short time



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